Chong Altering The Marijuana Culture One Joint At A Time

Robert Platshorn served the longest sentence for any non-violent marijuana offense in US history: Thirty years in federal prison. It was all for smuggling tons of pot back in the 1970's when he went by the name Bobby Tuna. Magnolia Pictures has confirmed that they will bring Bobby into the Philadelphia Cine Fest on April 9th for a screening of this new documentary called Square Grouper that tells his story. Platshorn grew up right on South Street. Since being released from prison this will mark his first trip back to the area.

The first Gitmo prisoner has been removed from custody in Cuba and moved to a prison in New York, and fear-mongering politicians are saying things like the terrorist will only be"walking around." That's a lie! Plenty of New York City taxi drivers will recognize the guy and give him rides that are free.

Trust me, with chemotherapy drugs, all the insomnia induced from brain radiation, and the stress of wondering if you'll survive the chemo, never mind the cancer, you may come to appreciate the drowsiness it gives.

Hours disheveled and looking radiant, Laura showed up at the restaurant. We were all beginning to worry a bit about her - as well as wonder what our husbands could say about being so late. It was the last time we went out. It might have been the last time that Laura felt wanted as a'hot babe'. I don't understand. It never mattered.

When voters go to the polls this year , there will be measures to vote that will have a definite influence on the pocketbook of an individual . There will be measures relating to taxes to vote. Californians will vote on legalizing marijuana while measures that are recreational marijuana will be decided on by those from Arizona, South Dakota and Oregon .

Kent Police returned 11-pounds of marijuana's first part they seized pop over to this site from Matthew Zugsberger. Zubsberger, a medical marijuana individual, had the medical marijuana seized after police he said found weed and a scale in his trunk.

Today, let us address some of the cat crap in the sandbox of culture. This column will not be a running battle with the consumers; that is NOT the reason is mostly for the citizens of Portland, not its' users.

You think happy thoughts. You want to go out and have fun! You think of fun things to do and you are a happier person. Medical marijuana enables you to feel free. You don't stress yourself out and see page you just relax. Relaxing is crucial to alleviate depression. Stress contributes to worsen a depression. The less stress. If you use medical marijuana you may feel like an all around more happy person.

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